Order Summary Form

To use the Order Summary form, follow the steps outlined below:

Enabling/ Disabling the Order Summary form

To enable/ disable the Order Summary form:

  1. From the Dispensary screen, select Ordering.

  2. Select the Enable Order Summary button as required.

  3. The Order Summary form is now enabled/disabled.

Note - The Order Summary form is enabled by default.

Using the Order Summary form

The Order Summary form appears on the Dispensary screen after dispensing an item within Pharmacy Manager. It displays:

  • The items that are being ordered as a result of the dispense.
  • The items that are not being ordered as a result of the dispense.

The Order summary form displays for 4 seconds before leaving the screen. You can manage how long the form displays:

  • Hover your mouse over the form. It will remain on the screen for as long as your mouse hovers over it.

  • To close the form select Close on the form, press ESC on your keyboard or click anywhere on the Dispensary screen.

Note - The Order Summary form is only available for customers who are set-up with automatic ordering.
Note - The Order Summary form only displays items being automatically added to the Orderpad.

Editing the Order Summary

To edit the information displayed on the Order Summary form:

  1. Select Edit this order .
  2. The Order Information screen displays.
  3. Edit the order as required as outlined below: